I'm participating in the Fortune Girls campaign on behalf of Sverve sponsor post.
Fortune Girls is multi-media brand to empower tween girls from ages 6 to 12 with multicultural characters from all around the world. The creators are aiming to raise $20,000 to start an animated short featuring the Fortune Girls characters and what tween doesn't have a funny and quirky side to them this is what you will see in their characters. Make a pledge to help support the Fortune Girls the kickstarter project ends November 15, 2013.
Fortune Girls was created by Madison Ruiz with mom, Barbara Clarke-Ruiz and Co-Founded by Lisa Osinloye.
Meet the artist behind the Fortune Girls...
When Madison Ruiz was two her mom never threw out any of her sketches and when Madison needed art in her room she took out all her sketches out and the Fortune Girls were created.
Here is another way to show your support by voting for a $250k grant at Chase Small Business they need 250 votes to qualify both campaigns ends on November 15, 2013. Go to Mission Main Street Grants in the search box type in Fortune Girls and click vote.
Here is a video of Fortune Girls featuring Cinderita.